Command Line Interface

The following core signac functions are — in addition to the Python interface — accessible directly via the $ signac command.

The commands can be roughly grouped by task, ordered by frequency of use:

Using a project:
Modifying a project:
Sharing and archiving a project:


usage: signac clone [-h] project job_id [job_id ...]

positional arguments:
  project     The root directory of the project to clone one or more jobs in.
  job_id      One or more job ids. The corresponding jobs must be initialized.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


usage: signac config [-h] [-g] [-l] [-f] {show,set,host,verify} ...

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g, --global          Modify the global configuration.
  -l, --local           Modify the local configuration.
  -f, --force           Skip sanity checks when modifying the configuration.


usage: signac diff [-h] [-p [PRETTY]] [-i [INDENT]] [-f FILTER [FILTER ...]]
                   [-d DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...]]
                   [job_id [job_id ...]]

Find the difference among job state points.

positional arguments:
  job_id                One or more job ids. The corresponding jobs must be

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p [PRETTY], --pretty [PRETTY]
                        Print state point in pretty format. An optional
                        argument to this flag specifies the maximal depth a
                        state point is printed.
  -i [INDENT], --indent [INDENT]
                        Specify the indentation of the JSON formatted state
  -f FILTER [FILTER ...], --filter FILTER [FILTER ...]
                        Limit the diff to jobs matching this state point
  -d DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...], --doc-filter DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...]
                        Show documents of jobs matching this document filter.


usage: signac document [-h] [-p [PRETTY]] [-i [INDENT]] [-s]
                       [-f FILTER [FILTER ...]]
                       [-d DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...]] [--index INDEX]
                       [job_id [job_id ...]]

Print the document(s) corresponding to one or more job ids.

positional arguments:
  job_id                One or more job ids. The job corresponding to a job id
                        must be initialized.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p [PRETTY], --pretty [PRETTY]
                        Print document in pretty format. An optional argument
                        to this flag specifies the maximal depth a document is
  -i [INDENT], --indent [INDENT]
                        Specify the indentation of the JSON formatted state
  -s, --sort            Sort the document keys for output in JSON format.
  -f FILTER [FILTER ...], --filter FILTER [FILTER ...]
                        Show documents of jobs matching this state point
  -d DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...], --doc-filter DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...]
                        Show documents of job matching this document filter.
  --index INDEX         The filename of an index file.


usage: signac export [-h] [--move] [-f FILTER [FILTER ...]]
                     [-d DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...]] [-j JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...]]
                     target [schema_path]

Export the project data space (or a subset) to a directory, a zipfile, or a

positional arguments:
  target                The target to export to. May be a path to a directory,
                        a zipfile, or a tarball.
  schema_path           Specify an optional export path, based on the job
                        state point, e.g., 'foo/{}'.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --move                Move data to export target instead of copying. Can
                        only be used when exporting to a directory target.

  -f FILTER [FILTER ...], --filter FILTER [FILTER ...]
                        Limit the jobs to export to those matching the state
                        point filter.
  -d DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...], --doc-filter DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...]
                        Limit the jobs to export to those matching this
                        document filter.
  -j JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...], --job-id JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...]
                        Limit the jobs to export to those matching the
                        provided job ids.


usage: signac find [-h] [-d DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...]] [-i INDEX]
                   [-s [SHOW]] [--sp [SP [SP ...]]] [--doc [DOC [DOC ...]]]
                   [-p [PRETTY]] [-1]
                   [filter [filter ...]]

All filter arguments may be provided either directly in JSON encoding or in a
simplified form, e.g., -- $ signac find a 42 -- is equivalent to -- $ signac
find '{"a": 42}'.

positional arguments:
  filter                A JSON encoded state point filter (key-value pairs).

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...], --doc-filter DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...]
                        A document filter.
  -i INDEX, --index INDEX
                        The filename of an index file.
  -s [SHOW], --show [SHOW]
                        Show the state point and document of each job.
                        Equivalent to --sp --doc --pretty 3.
  --sp [SP [SP ...]]    Show the state point of each job. Can be passed the
                        list of state point keys to print (if they exist for a
                        given job).
  --doc [DOC [DOC ...]]
                        Show the document of each job. Can be passed the list
                        of document keys to print (if they exist for a given
  -p [PRETTY], --pretty [PRETTY]
                        Pretty print output when using --sp, --doc, or
                        ---show. Argument is the depth to which keys are
  -1, --one-line        Print output in JSON and on one line.


usage: signac import [-h] [--move] [--sync] [--sync-interactive]
                     [origin] [schema_path]

Import an existing dataset into this project. Optionally provide a file path
based schema to specify the state point metadata. Providing a path based
schema is only necessary if the data set was not previously exported from a
signac project.

positional arguments:
  origin              The origin to import from. May be a path to a directory,
                      a zipfile, or a tarball. Defaults to the current working
  schema_path         Specify an optional import path, such as
                      'foo/{foo:int}'. Possible type definitions include bool,
                      int, float, and str. The type is assumed to be 'str' if
                      no type is specified.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --move              Move the data upon import instead of copying. Can only
                      be used when importing from a directory.
  --sync              Attempt recursive synchronization with default
  --sync-interactive  Synchronize the project with the origin data space


usage: signac index [-h] [-t TAGS [TAGS ...]] [root]

positional arguments:
  root                  Specify the root path from where the main index is to
                        be compiled.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TAGS [TAGS ...], --tags TAGS [TAGS ...]
                        Specify tags for this main index compilation.


usage: signac init [-h] [-w WORKSPACE] project_id

positional arguments:
  project_id            Initialize a project with the given project id.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w WORKSPACE, --workspace WORKSPACE
                        The path to the workspace directory.


usage: signac job [-h] [-w] [-c] [statepoint]

positional arguments:
  statepoint       The job's statepoint in JSON format. Omit this argument to
                   read from STDIN.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -w, --workspace  Print the job's workspace path instead of the job id.
  -c, --create     Create the job's workspace directory if necessary.


usage: signac move [-h] project job_id [job_id ...]

positional arguments:
  project     The root directory of the project to move one or more jobs to.
  job_id      One or more job ids. The corresponding jobs must be initialized.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


usage: signac project [-h] [-w] [-i] [-a]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -w, --workspace  Print the project's workspace path instead of the project
  -i, --index      Generate and print an index for the project.
  -a, --access     Create access module for indexing.


usage: signac rm [-h] [-c] [-i] [-v] job_id [job_id ...]

positional arguments:
  job_id             One or more job ids of jobs to remove.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -c, --clear        Do not completely remove, but only clear the job.
  -i, --interactive  Request confirmation before attempting to remove/clear
                     each job.
  -v, --verbose      Be verbose when removing/clearing files.


usage: signac schema [-h] [-x] [-t DEPTH] [-p PRECISION] [-r MAX_NUM_RANGE]
                     [-f FILTER [FILTER ...]] [-d DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...]]
                     [-j JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -x, --exclude-const   Exclude state point parameters, which are constant
                        over the complete project data space.
  -t DEPTH, --depth DEPTH
                        A non-zero value will format the schema in a nested
                        representation up to the specified depth. The default
                        is a flat view (depth=0).
  -p PRECISION, --precision PRECISION
                        Round all numerical values up to the given precision.
  -r MAX_NUM_RANGE, --max-num-range MAX_NUM_RANGE
                        The maximum number of entries shown for a value range,
                        defaults to 5.

  -f FILTER [FILTER ...], --filter FILTER [FILTER ...]
                        Detect schema only for jobs that match the state point
  -d DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...], --doc-filter DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...]
                        Detect schema only for jobs that match the document
  -j JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...], --job-id JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...]
                        Detect schema only for jobs with the given job ids.


usage: signac shell [-h] [-c COMMAND] [-f FILTER [FILTER ...]]
                    [-d DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...]] [-j JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...]]

positional arguments:
  file                  Execute Python script in file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c COMMAND, --command COMMAND
                        Execute Python program passed as string.

  Specify one or more jobs to preset the `jobs` variable as a generator over
  all job handles associated with the given selection. If the selection
  contains only one job, an additional `job` variable is referencing that
  single job, otherwise it is `None`.

  -f FILTER [FILTER ...], --filter FILTER [FILTER ...]
                        Reduce selection to jobs that match the given filter.
  -d DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...], --doc-filter DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...]
                        Reduce selection to jobs that match the given document
  -j JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...], --job-id JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...]
                        Reduce selection to jobs that match the given job ids.


usage: signac statepoint [-h] [-p [PRETTY]] [-i [INDENT]] [-s]
                         [job_id [job_id ...]]

Print the statepoint(s) corresponding to one or more job ids.

positional arguments:
  job_id                One or more job ids. The corresponding jobs must be

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p [PRETTY], --pretty [PRETTY]
                        Print state point in pretty format. An optional
                        argument to this flag specifies the maximal depth a
                        state point is printed.
  -i [INDENT], --indent [INDENT]
                        Specify the indentation of the JSON formatted state
  -s, --sort            Sort the state point keys for output.


usage: signac sync [-h] [-v] [-a] [-r] [-l] [-p] [-o] [-g] [-t] [-x [EXCLUDE]]
                   [-I] [--size-only] [--round-times] [-n] [-u]
                   [-s {always,never,update,Ask}] [-k KEY] [--all-keys]
                   [--no-keys] [-w] [--force] [-m] [--parallel [PARALLEL]]
                   [--stats] [-H] [--json] [-f FILTER [FILTER ...]]
                   [-d DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...]] [-j JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...]]
                   source [destination]

Use this command to synchronize this project with another project; similar to
the synchronization of two directories with `rsync`. Data is always copied
from the source to the destination. For example: `signac sync
/path/to/other/project -u --all-keys` means "Synchronize all jobs within this
project with those in the other project; overwrite files if the source files
is newer and overwrite all conflicting keys in the project and job documents."

positional arguments:
  source                The root directory of the project that this project
                        should be synchronized with.
  destination           Optional: The root directory of the project that
                        should be modified for synchronization, defaults to
                        the local project.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbosity       Set level of verbosity.
  -w, --allow-workspace
                        Allow the specification of a workspace (instead of a
                        project) directory as the destination path.
  --force               Ignore all warnings, just synchronize.
  -m, --merge           Clone all the jobs that are not present in destination
                        from source.
  --parallel [PARALLEL]
                        Use multiple threads for synchronization.You may
                        optionally specify how many threads to use, otherwise
                        all available processing units will be utilized.
  --stats               Provide file transfer statistics.
  -H, --human-readable  Provide statistics with human readable formatting.
  --json                Print statistics in JSON formatting.

copy options:
  -a, --archive         archive mode; equivalent to: '-rltpog'
  -r, --recursive       Do not skip sub-directories, but synchronize
  -l, --links           Copy symbolic links as symbolic links pointing to the
                        original source.
  -p, --perms           Preserve permissions.
  -o, --owner           Preserve owner.
  -g, --group           Preserve group.
  -t, --times           Preserve file modification times (requires -p).
  -x [EXCLUDE], --exclude [EXCLUDE]
                        Exclude all files matching the given pattern. Exclude
                        all files if this option is provided without any
  -I, --ignore-times    Never rely on file meta data such as the size or the
                        modification time when determining file differences.
  --size-only           Ignore modification times during file comparison.
                        Useful when synchronizing between file systems with
                        different timestamp resolution.
  --round-times         Round modification times during file comparison.
                        Useful when synchronizing between file systems with
                        different timestamp resolution.
  -n, --dry-run         Do not actually execute the synchronization. Increase
                        the output verbosity to see messages about what would
                        potentially happen.
  -u, --update          Skip files with newer modification time stamp.This is
                        a short-cut for: --strategy=update.

sync strategy:
  -s {always,never,update,Ask}, --strategy {always,never,update,Ask}
                        Specify a synchronization strategy, for differing
  -k KEY, --key KEY     Specify a regular expression for keys that should be
                        overwritten as part of the project and job document
  --all-keys            Overwrite all conflicting keys. Equivalent to
  --no-keys             Never overwrite any conflicting keys.

  -f FILTER [FILTER ...], --filter FILTER [FILTER ...]
                        Only synchronize jobs that match the state point
  -d DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...], --doc-filter DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...]
                        Only synchronize jobs that match the document filter.
  -j JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...], --job-id JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...]
                        Only synchronize jobs with the given job ids.


usage: signac update-cache [-h]

Use this command to update the project's persistent state point cache. This
feature is still experimental and may be removed in future versions.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


usage: signac view [-h] [-f FILTER [FILTER ...]]
                   [-d DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...]] [-j JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...]]
                   [-i INDEX]
                   [prefix] [path]

Generate a human readable set of paths representing state points in the
workspace, e.g.
view/param_name_1/param_value_1/param_name_2/param_value_2/job. The leaf nodes
of this directory structure are symlinks (named "job") into the workspace
directory for that parameter combination. Note that all positional arguments
must be provided before any keyword arguments. In particular, the prefix and
path must be specified before arguments such as the filters, e.g. signac view

positional arguments:
  prefix                The path where the view is to be created. Defaults to
  path                  The path used for the generation of the linked view
                        hierarchy, defaults to '{{auto}}' (see
                        Project.export_to for information on how this is

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -f FILTER [FILTER ...], --filter FILTER [FILTER ...]
                        Limit the view to jobs matching this state point
  -d DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...], --doc-filter DOC_FILTER [DOC_FILTER ...]
                        Limit the view to jobs matching this document filter.
  -j JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...], --job-id JOB_ID [JOB_ID ...]
                        Limit the view to jobs with these job ids.
  -i INDEX, --index INDEX
                        The filename of an index file.